Tuesday, July 22, 2008

La Jolla to MB 18 mi Run


from La Jolla Cove:
head south on Coast Blvd
R on Olivetas Ave (mile 1)
R Marine St (mile 1.2)
L Monte Vista Ave
R Fern Glen (1.5)
L Neptune Pl (1.6)
L Palomar Ave (2.1)
Quick R Camino de la Costa
R Chelsea Ave (3)
L on Wrelton Dr (4.1)
R on La Jolla Blvd (4.2)
(bathrooms at Tourmaline Park on right)
R on Loring St (mile 4.4)
Quick L on Crystal Dr
L on Ocean Blvd (4.5)
pass over Law St and continue on Ocean
hook up with boardwalk at Diamond St (4.9)
Pismo Ct 6 mi (for 12 miles round-trip)
San Fernando Pl (just past Belmont Park/roller coaster) 7 mi
boardwalk ends at South Mission Beach Jetty (7.7)

veer left on N Jetty Rd
cross Mission Blvd and continue left (north) on Bayside Walk
(mile 8 at Balboa Ct)
continue along sidewalk that parallels Mission Bay Dr
veer left by parking lots (away from Mariner's Cove) (mile 8.7)
R Mariner's Wy
L Gleason Rd
R W Mission Bay Dr and over bridge (8.8)
R Dana Landing Rd (9.45)
L Quivira Rd
L on San Diego River Floodway (mile 10.1)
parallel to Sea World Dr
turn around across from South Shores Park (11.38)
(turn around EARLIER for 18--under W Mission Bay Dr bridge)
head back on floodway
R Dana Landing Rd (13) and left W Mission Bay Dr to go back across bridge
continue straight on Ventura Pl (14.2) and turn Right onto Boardwalk to go north
head back the way we came
Ocean Blvd--R Crystal--R Loring--L La Jolla Blvd
L Wrelton--R Chelsea St--L Camino de la Costa
L Palomar--R Neptune--R Fern Glen--L Monte Vista--R Marine St
L Olivetas Ave--veer left to continue on Coast Blvd and back to start
(this is 21.1 miles)

You can always turn back sooner!

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